Women Professors Monitor by the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH)

Women Professors Monitor by the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH)

The Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH) publishes a yearly Women Professors Monitor. The Monitor offers insight into the current ratio of men to women in academia and an overview of the current percentages of male and female professors and in management positions at Dutch academic organizations, university medical centers and other academic organizations. The 2022 Monitor is out and there are alarm bells.

“In the previous Monitor, we reflected on the fact that the percentage of women professors passed the 25% mark for the first time in the history of Dutch academia. The percentage of women associate professors also passed the 30% threshold for the first time. We celebrated these milestones.
Although there is certainly progress to be reported – for example, the proportion of women associate professors increased significantly and there has been an increase in the proportion of women in academic management – we have noticed a stagnation – and even decrease – in the growth of the proportion of women in a number of places. We notice that there is a tendency to say that attention for the advancement of women in academia can be abandoned because we have achieved certain milestones. The numbers in this monitor paint a different picture.”

The Women Professors Monitor can be downloaded here.