Women of Mathematics Throughout Europe hosted by Twente University

Women of Mathematics Throughout Europe hosted by Twente University

During the Dies Natalis of Twente University, the Rector Magnificus, prof. dr. Thom Palstra, opened the photo exhibition “Women Mathematicians around Europe”. The exhibition presents the photographic portraits of thirteen female mathematicians from all around Europe, who share with us their experiences as mathematicians, thus serving as role models. EWM-NL has been promoting the exhibition by encouraging universities to participate in the tour and by incurring part of the costs.

General description of the exhibition

The project, which is conceived as a touring exhibition, stems from the  observation that nowadays women still find it difficult to embrace a carrier in the mathematical academic world and for many of them social pressure and personal doubts may play a crucial role.

The realisation of the project started in 2015 and is made possible thanks to the support support of various institutions: Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (“Humboldt Alumni Award 2015 for innovative networking initiatives”), Bosch Stiftung, London Mathematical Society, University of Potsdam, Maecenia Frankfurt.

Goals of the project

The aim of this exhibition is to draw the general public’s attention to the disparity between the proportion of men and that of women among professional mathematicians. The exhibition should also stimulate young women scientists to trust their own strength.

In presenting mathematics through women mathematicians’ perspectives and samples of their life stories, we hope to give a more human outlook on mathematics which might make this discipline more tangible and therefore more accessible to outsiders or newcomers.

This touring format is envisaged as a networking, reinforcing collaborations and exchanges between mathematicians in different European countries, and stimulating the dialogue between the general public and mathematicians around the themes of the exhibition.


More info: womeninmath.net