European Women in Mathematics – The Netherlands (EWM-NL) is the national association of women working in the field of mathematics in The Netherlands. Established in 2013, it is supported and financed by Platform Wiskunde Nederland (PWN) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
Though EWM-NL is independent of the international European Women in Mathematics association (EWM) in administration or financing, EWM-NL recognises our close links to EWM. This is reflected both in our name and in our mission statement, which is closely aligned to that of EWM.
The mission of EWM-NL is to:
Forge connections between female mathematicians | |
Support female mathematicians in their career | |
Encourage women to study mathematics | |
Increase the visibility of female mathematicians | |
Provide information about women in mathematics | |
Cooperate with organisations with similar goals | |
Provide a meeting place for people supporting this mission |
The video below, made by our former President Maria Vlasiou, explains who we are and what our mission is. The promotion video was made in 2021, meaning that some information (such as names) is outdated but not the mission and core activities. Enjoy!