Her Math Story for EWM-NL: Interview with Professor Shanti Venetiaan

Her Math Story for EWM-NL: Interview with Professor Shanti Venetiaan

We are proud to announce that we started to collaborate with the team of “Her Math Story”!

The first outcome of our collaboration with “Her Math Story” (HMS) is the interview with Professor Shanti Venetiaan. You can read it by clicking here.

“Her Math Story” is a platform of three women mathematicians (Julia Kroos, Tamara Grossmann and Joana Grah) who want to empower young women through “stories and blog entries to pursue studies and careers in maths, spark their curiosity and transmit enthusiasm for technical subjects”, as described on their website.

Diletta Martinelli (Assistant Professor at University of Amsterdam) learnt about the career of Professor Shanti Venetiaan after the news that Shanti was the first to be promoted to full professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. Shanti Venetiaan is a role model but not many know about her personal and professional career. As such, Diletta asked Dzemila Sero (postdoc at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, CWI, and EWM-NL board member) to interview Professor Venetiaan for the “Proof by example” column for Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. The publication date of this interview will be announced soon.

Clara Stegehuis (Assistant Professor at the University of Twente, and EWM-NL board member) thought the interview could also be interesting for “Her Math Story”. As such, the team of HMS decided to publish part of the interview on their platform too.

The University of Amsterdam organizes a one-day symposium at the UvA in memory of Prof. Aïda Paalman-de Miranda next June 18, 2022. Prof. Venetiaan will be one of the speakers.