EWM-NL on Tour – CWI

EWM-NL on Tour – CWI

EWM The Netherlands is visiting all Dutch universities and institutions with a department / group on mathematics. The second visit was at the CWI on November 7th, 2018.

EWM-NL’s  board member Sanne Willems welcomed the group and informed them about EWM-NL, its goals and activities. Then, the discussion was opened by CWI’s local representative Lisanne Rens. She showed some statements on gender balance issues, the group voted (agree / neutral / don’t agree), and then discussed the outcome.

Extra discussion topics

Among the topics proposed by EWM-NL, some of the extra topics discussed were:

  • Judging CV’s: recruiters should be trained to read CV’s differently. For example, they should take into account the months taken for parental leave.
  • Positive discrimination: the participants of the discussion did not agree on whether positive discrimination will help to get a better gender balance, or whether it is actually harming women.
  • Promotion material: CWI’s new promotion material will include photo’s of more diverse people, so that a broader range of persons feels welcome at the institute.
New local representative
Sophie Huiberts

Since Lisanne Rens found a job abroad, she will no longer work at the CWI after the defence of her thesis. Luckily, Sophie Huiberts volunteered to take over from her. Sophie is currently working on her master’s thesis at the CWI, and will continue working at the CWI as a PhD candidate after she graduates. Hopefully she will be our representative at the CWI for many years to come!


The dates of the other tour visits can be found in EWM-NL’s calendar, or in our Upcoming Events.