EWM The Netherlands is visiting all Dutch universities and institutions with a department / group on mathematics. We have so far visited TU Delft, CWI, TU/e, UU, UvA, and Leiden University, with RU and VU planned for 2017 and Twente and RUG for January 2018.
Among the goals of EWM-NL are to support female mathematicians in their careers, to forge connections between female mathematicians in The Netherlands, and to provide a meeting place for like-minded people. To achieve these goals, EWM-NL goes on Tour. During the Tour, we wish to make the mission and goals of EWM-NL known to the wider mathematics community, present our work so far and gather information about the priorities and issues of the mathematics community right now.
The suggestions of the community will be summarised at the end of the Tour and be disseminated through www.ewmnetherlands.nl and the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. They will also form the basis for policy recommendations.