May 12

#May12, the birthday of Maryam Mirzakhani, was chosen in the 2018 World Meeting for Women in Mathematics as the date to celebrate Women in Mathematics. Here’s a partial list of events taking place today:…

Webpage down

Due to a technical error, we have lost the most up-to-date content of our webpage. We are currently in the process of redesigning the page. Please be patient and in the meantime contact us…

EWM-NL board

We are happy to announce that Rianne de Heide has joined the EWM-NL board. The current board is formed by Francesca Arici, social mediaRianne de Heide, mentor network coordinator and webmasterOlfa Jaibi, treasurer and…

Annual Meeting 2018

EWM The Netherlands Annual Meeting 2018 Summary of the event The first speaker was Han Entzinger, professor emeritus of migration and integration at EUR. He gave a talk about principles of equality, gave examples…

2018 Global Survey

The project “A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?” funded by the International Council for Science has launched the 2018 Global Survey…

Tour update

EWM The Netherlands has the goal to support female mathematicians in their careers, to forge connections between female mathematicians in The Netherlands, and to provide a meeting place for like-minded people. To achieve these goals,…